
Version: 0.3.0, ycmd GitHub page

ycmd is a code-completion & code-comprehension server.

ycmd presents a JSON/REST interface to clients over HTTP, validated by HMAC. An instance of ycmd is started for each client application.

General Notes

The REST interface typically uses HTTP POST requests and expects the payload data to be a valid JSON document. The following general principles are applied:

The example client

ycmd contains a simple example client in the example directory of the source tree. It is written in pure Python with only minimal dependencies. It contains trivial implementations of most endpoints and serves to supplement this API documentation.

Consult example/README.md for instructions on getting it running.

Starting the server

The ycmd server is typically started by a client in order to provide services to it. Briefly, starting the server requires supplying some configuration and initializing some security features (HMAC).

The server should be started with a supported version of Python.

The full list of command line options can be obtained by passing --help to ycmd (e.g. python -m ycmd --help). However, the following options warrant further discussion:


This mandatory option supplies the name of a file containing user options data. This option (and thus the file) are mandatory, as they are required to set the shared HMAC secret.

Once the server has read the options, the server deletes the options file. Therefore, the client should typically create a secure temporary file (e.g. mkstemp) which contains the options to be used.

The default options and their values are found in default_settings.json within the ycmd codebase.

The file contains a JSON-formatted object, where the keys are the names of options (with any ycm_ prefix removed) and the values are the option values.

The canonical list of supported user options can be found in YouCompleteMe's README.md. The option values should have the ycm_ prefix removed.

The following additional options are required to be set by the client application and should not be visible to the user:


All requests to the server must include an HMAC in the x-ycm-hmac HTTP header. The HMAC is computed from the shared secret passed to the server on startup and the request/response body. The digest algorithm is SHA-256. The server will also include the HMAC in its responses; you must verify it before using the response. See the example client to see how it's done.


ycmd uses filetypes to identify the "language" of a given buffer. These filetype values are strictly the values understood by Vim. Please see the YCM README.md for the list of filetypes recognized by ycmd for semantic completion.



Path Operation Description
/completions POST

Get completion suggestions for the current file context.

/debug_info POST

Return server and semantic engine debug information.

/defined_subcommands POST

Get the list of subcommands which are available for a completer.

/detailed_diagnostic POST

Get additional information about diagnostic under cursor.

/event_notification POST

Notify the server of various client events.

/filter_and_sort_candidates POST

Filter and sort a set of candidates using ycmd's fuzzy matching.

/healthy GET

Check if the server is healthy.

/ignore_extra_conf_file POST

Forcefully ignore the config for the current buffer.

/inlay_hints POST

Compute inlay hints for a range

/load_extra_conf_file POST

Forcefully load the config for the current buffer.

/ready GET

Check if the server is ready.

/receive_messages POST

Long poll for asynchronous server messages.

/resolve_completion POST

Resolve detailed_info for a completion item

/resolve_fixit POST

Resolve an incomplete FixIt.

/run_completer_command POST

Run a semantic completer subcommand.

/semantic_completion_available POST

Determine if semantic completion is available for current buffer.

/semantic_tokens POST

Compute semantic tokens for a range, or the whole document

/shutdown POST

Request ycmd to shut down.

/signature_help POST

Get signature help (argument hints) for current file context.

/signature_help_available GET

Is /signature_help supported for some filetype


Get completion suggestions for the current file context.

POST /completions

Returns the autocompletion suggestions for the current cursor position. Typically, the server determines whether or not to use semantic completion or general (i.e. identifier-based) completion based on the language (filetype) and the context. Clients can force the use of semantic completion by setting the force_semantic property to true.

Note that if force_semantic is not set to true and the completion engine returns an error, the server still tries to fall back to general completion, so this endpoint will typically always return successfully. Any semantic completer error raised is included in the response to be dealt with by the client.

When force_semantic is true, any error returned by the semantic engine is returned via a 500 response.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

The list of completion suggestions.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Return server and semantic engine debug information.

POST /debug_info

Returns debugging information about the server itself and the semantic completer for the current buffer (if there is one).

This data includes things like the versions of linked-in libraries, log file locations, etc.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

A dictionary of debugging information.

Example for application/json
"clang": {
"has_support": true,
"version": "clang version"
"completer": {
"items": [
"description": "description",
"value": "value"
"name": "completer name",
"servers": [
"address": "",
"executable": "/path/to/executable",
"extras": [
"description": "description"
"value": "value"
"is_running": true,
"logfiles": [
"name": "server name",
"pid": 12345,
"port": 1234
"extra_conf": {
"is_loaded": false,
"path": "/path/to/extra/conf"
"python": {
"executable": "/path/to/python/interpreter",
"version": "python version"
python: object

Debugging information on the Python interpreter in which the server is running.

executable: string

Python interpreter path.

version: string

Python interpreter version.

clang: object

Debugging information on Clang.

has_support: boolean

true if the ycmd server was built with Clang support, false otherwise.

version: string

if has_support is true, return the version of Clang. Otherwise, return null.

extra_conf: object

Debugging information on the extra configuration file for the current buffer.

path: string

Path of the found extra configuration file, loaded or not.

is_loaded: boolean

true if the extra configuration file is loaded, false otherwise.

completer: DebugInfoResponse

Contains debugging information on the completer for the given filetypes. null if no completer is available.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Get the list of subcommands which are available for a completer.

POST /defined_subcommands

Returns the list of completer subcommands for a given completer.

See also: /run_completer_command

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

The list of available subcommands.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Get additional information about diagnostic under cursor.

POST /detailed_diagnostic

Where available returns addition information about the diagnostic, such as the full text of the compile error, suggestions, etc.

Typically, details are returned for the diagnostic nearest to the current cursor position.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

The detailed diagnostic

message: string
500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred, or no diagnostic was available

Notify the server of various client events.

POST /event_notification

The server needs to react to a number of client events in order to provide things like diagnostics and to handle downstream server states etc. The client must inform the server of the following events, populating the event name in the event_name property:

  • FileReadyToParse Call when a new buffer is opened or after the user has stopped typing for some time, or at any other time when the client believes that it is worthwhile reparsing the current file and updating semantic engines' ASTs and reporting things like updated diagnostics.
  • BufferUnload Call when the user closes a buffer that was previously known to be open. Closing buffers is important to limit resource usage.
  • BufferVisit (optional) Call when the user focuses on a buffer that is already known. Note: The ultisnips_snippets property is optional when firing calling this event. Otherwise it is ignored.
  • InsertLeave (optional) For modal editors, call when exiting insert mode. It is equivalent to CurrentIdentifierFinished.
  • CurrentIdentifierFinished (optional) Call when the user finishes typing what appears to the client to be an identifier.
  • FileSave Call when the user writes to a file on disk. (optional)

The notification data. The line and column are typically not used, but the filepath and file data properties are used to perform semantic analysis (e.g. in the FileReadyToParse handler).

"column_num": 20,
"event_name": "FileReadyToParse",
"file_data": {
"/home/test/dev/test.cc": {
"contents": "<file contents>",
"filetypes": [
"filepath": "/home/test/dev/test.js",
"line_num": 10
line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
completer_target: CompleterTarget
working_dir: WorkingDirectory
extra_conf_data: ExtraConfData
event_name: string , x ∈ { FileReadyToParse , BufferUnload , BufferVisit , InsertLeave , CurrentIdentifierFinished }

The event that occurred.

ultisnips_snippets: object[]

Optional when event_name is BufferVisit Supplies the ultisips snippets known for the current filetypes. Can be used to supply any other type of additional completion suggestions generated by the client.

trigger: string

The text to insert in order to trigger the snippet. When supplying non-ultisnips suggestions, this is the text to be inserted.

description: string

Additional text to display in the completion menu, such as a summary of the snippet to be inserted.


200 OK

Optional set of diagnostics for the current buffer.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Filter and sort a set of candidates using ycmd's fuzzy matching.

POST /filter_and_sort_candidates

For filetypes not natively supported by ycmd, clients can often determine a set of suitable candidate completion suggestions by other means. In Vim this is typically from the omnifunc and other clients will have equivalents.

This endpoint allows clients to use ycmd's powerful filtering and ranking capabilities (including longest-common-subsequence and word-boundary-character ranking) on arbitrary sets of identifiers.

NOTE: This API is primarily intended for use when subclassing the Completer class outside of ycmd which is a very niche case, specific to the OmniCompleter in the Vim client. It is not expected that this API be used elsewhere.

The set of candidates to sort of the query parameters.

NOTE: This request_data object is different from most other ycmd requests as it does not contain buffer data or cursor locations.

candidates: object[]

The candidates to filter and sort

sort_property: string , x ∈ { word , insertion_text }

Typically set to insertion_text, but can be set to word when the candidates are in the form of a simple list of words. In the latter case, candidates must be a list of strings.

query: string

The text the user has typed so far for the current identifier. This is to filter against the suggestions in candidates.


200 OK

The filtered list of candidated

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Check if the server is healthy.

GET /healthy

Return true if the server is healthy, false otherwise. The client should use this endpoint to keep the server alive.


200 OK

Server is healthy.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Forcefully ignore the config for the current buffer.

POST /ignore_extra_conf_file

As opposed to /load_extra_conf_file, this API endpoint must be called when the user declines to load the associated .ycm_extra_conf.py file.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

Configuration file ignored.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred ignoring the configuration file.

Compute inlay hints for a range

POST /inlay_hints

Compute and return inlay hints for a document range.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
range: Range

200 OK

Hints created, or not supported (emtpy list)

inlay_hints: object[]
errors: object[]
500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Forcefully load the config for the current buffer.

POST /load_extra_conf_file

By default, ycmd will not load .ycm_extra_conf.py files for security reasons and instead raises an exception the first time it requires loading.

In the case that exception is raised, the client should call this API endpoint after confirming with the user that it is safe to load the reported .ycm_extra_conf.py file.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

Configuration file loaded.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred loading the configuration file.

Check if the server is ready.

GET /ready

Return true if the (sub)server is ready, false otherwise. The client should use this endpoint to keep the server alive.


Subserver filetype for which the request is made. If a subserver supports multiple filetypes, the parameter may hold any one of them.

query string


200 OK

Server is ready.

Long poll for asynchronous server messages.

POST /receive_messages

Return asynchronous messages from the server. This request is used by clients in a "long poll" style, and does not return until either:

  • A message (or messages) becomes available, in which case a list of messages is returned, or
  • a timeout occurs (after 60s), in which case true is returned and the client should re-send this request, or
  • for some reason the server determined that the client should stop sending receive_messages requests, in which case false is returned, and the client should only send the request again when something substantial changes such as a new file type is opened, or the completer server is manually restarted.

The following types of event are delivered asynchronously for certain filetypes:

  • Status messages to be displayed unobtrusively to the user.
  • Diagnostics (for Java only).

This message is optional. Clients do not require to implement this method, but it is strongly recommended for certain languages to offer the best user experience.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

Messages are ready, the request timed out, or the request is not supported and should not be retried.

The response may be one of MessagePollResponse or MessagesList.

Example for application/json
"message": "Initializing: 19% complete"
"message": "Initializing: Done."
"diagonostics": {
"diagnostics": [
"fixit_available": false,
"kind": "WARNING",
"location": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 10
"location_extent": {
"end": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 10
"start": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 10
"ranges": [
"end": {
"column_num": 20,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 10
"start": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 10
"text": "Very naughty code!"
"fixit_available": true,
"kind": "ERROR",
"location": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 19
"location_extent": {
"end": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 19
"start": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 19
"ranges": [
"end": {
"column_num": 20,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 19
"start": {
"column_num": 11,
"filepath": "/file",
"line_num": 19
"text": "Very dangerous code!"
"filepath": "/file"
500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Resolve detailed_info for a completion item

POST /resolve_completion

Given the resolve ID for a completion item, returns the item with additional data filled in.

Note, the supplied request_data must match exactly the request_data for the corresponding completion request, except with the resolve key filled in with the resolve ID from the completion item's extra_data.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
completer_target: CompleterTarget
working_dir: WorkingDirectory
extra_conf_data: ExtraConfData
resolve: object

The 'resolve' key from the 'extra_data' in the completion item to resolve.


200 OK

The list of completion suggestions.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Resolve an incomplete FixIt.

POST /resolve_fixit

Resolves an incomplete fixit, indicated by 'resolve' fixit property. Some completers return incomplete fixits in order to avoid blocking on expensive fixit calculations.

When a client wishes to resolve a fixit, the entire FixIt object should be sent in the fixit property.

If a client tries to resolve an already resolved fixit, the same fixit is returned in a SubcommandResponse.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

"file_data": {
"/home/test/dev/test.c": {
"contents": "<file contents>",
"filetypes": [
"filepath": "/home/test/dev/test.c",
"fixit": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/UnresolvedFixIt"
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
fixit: FixIt

200 OK

The fixit has been resolved and a FixIt response is returned.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Run a semantic completer subcommand.

POST /run_completer_command

Semantic completers offer additional engine-specific commands, known as completer subcommands. This endpoint requests a specific command to be executed. Typically the "default" semantic completer for the current filetype is used, but it is possible to force the use of a particular completer, using the completer_target property.

The command to execute is passed as a list of arguments, the first of which is the command name followed by any command- and completer-specific additional arguments. This "command line" is passed in the command_arguments property.

The list of available subcommands for a particular semantic completer can be queried using the /defined_subcommands endpoint.

Subcommands may return one of a number of actions, depending on the type of command. The following types of response are returned:

  • A simple display message response. This is identified where the type of the response is scalar (i.e. boolean, number, string) or the type of the response is an object with a message property. These messages are typically only a single line and can be displayed in a message-box or similarly echoed in a status bar or equivalent.
  • A FixIt response. This is identified where the type of the response is an object with a property named fixits.
  • A detailed information response. This is identified where the type of the response is an object with a detailed_info property. These messages are typically multiple lines (such as the documentation and signature for a method) and are best displayed in a panel or preview area (or equivalent).
  • A GoTo response. This is identified where the response type cannot be determined by any of the above methods. A GoTo response may contain either a single location (e.g. for GoToDeclaration), or a list of possible locations for the user to chose from (such as in a GoToReferences subcommand).

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

"column_num": 20,
"command_arguments": [
"completer_target": "filetype_default",
"file_data": {
"/home/test/dev/test.js": {
"contents": "<file contents>",
"filetypes": [
"filepath": "/home/test/dev/test.js",
"line_num": 10,
"options": {
"insert_spaces": true,
"tab_size": 4
line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
completer_target: CompleterTarget
working_dir: WorkingDirectory
extra_conf_data: ExtraConfData
command_arguments: string[]

The command line to execute as a list of arguments. The first such argument is the subcommand to execute (for example: GoTo).

range: Range

The range to which the command is applied (only used by the Format command).

options: object

A set of editor-related options for the current buffer (only used by the Format command).

tab_size: integer

The size of a tabulation in spaces.

insert_spaces: boolean

Use spaces to represent tabulations.


200 OK

Optional action or display text in response to the request.

NOTE: If the type of the response is not an object or list, then the response is a simple display message.

NOTE: If the type of the response is a list, then the response is a GoTo list (e.g. quick-fix list or equivalent) and the items in the list are of type GoToLocations (see definitions).

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Determine if semantic completion is available for current buffer.

POST /semantic_completion_available

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.


200 OK

Whether or not semantic completion is available.

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Compute semantic tokens for a range, or the whole document

POST /semantic_tokens

Compute and return semantic tokens

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
range: Range

200 OK

Hints created, or not supported (emtpy list)

semantic_tokens: object
tokens: SemanticToken
errors: object[]
500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred

Request ycmd to shut down.

POST /shutdown

200 OK
Get signature help (argument hints) for current file context.

POST /signature_help

Returns a list of method signatures relevant to the current cursor position, along with an indication of which signature and argument are 'active'.

Only returned by semantic engines.

Signatures are actually queried immediately after a trigger character. The result of this is that the client and server collude on remembering the current "trigger" state for signature help. This trades off some complexity in clients for significant performance benefits in the general case.

The client is responsible for maintaining the state of any displayed signature help popup, and is responsible for hiding it when this request returns an empty set of signatures.

That is, when this request returns a non-empty list of signatures, signature help is considered "triggered' and the client must record this and return it in the 'signature_help_state' request field (value ACTIVE). The client continues to request signature help on new input and should update its state to INACTIVE whenever this request returns an empty list of signatures.

If any errors are reported by the semantic engine, they are reported in the errors key in the response.

The first signature and the first argument are both 0.

The context data, including the current cursor position, and details of dirty buffers.

line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
completer_target: CompleterTarget
extra_conf_data: ExtraConfData
signature_help_state: string , x ∈ { ACTIVE , INACTIVE }

The current state of the signature help triggering. After signatures are returned for the first time (triggered), the client sends further requests with signature_help_state set to ACTIVE until the request returns no signatures.


200 OK

Signature info.

errors: object[]

errors reported by the semantic completion engine.

signature_help: object
activeSignature: number

The active signature. The first is 0.

activeParameter: number

The active parameter. The first is 0.

signatures: object[]

The list of signatures

label: string

The full signature text, including parameters

documentation: string

Human readable docstring of the signature.

parameters: object[]

List of parameters

documentation: string

Human readable docstring of the parameter.

label: integer[]

The array of offsets representing an inclusive start and exclusive end within the parameter's containing signature label.

Offsets are byte offsets into the UTF8 encoded string 'label'

500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Is /signature_help supported for some filetype

GET /signature_help_available

Since /signature_help can be expensive, clients can query ycmd with /signature_help_available and then stop sending /signature_help if there is no support for that filetype.

If the response is PENDING, the client should make another /signature_help_available request later.


Subserver filetype for which the request is made. If a subserver supports multiple filetypes, the parameter may hold any one of them.

query string


200 OK

Signature help support info.

available: string , x ∈ { YES , NO , PENDING }
500 Internal Server Error

An error occurred.

Schema definitions

AlwaysYes: boolean

true is always returned, unless there is an error.

Candidate: object

insertion_text: string

The word to insert when selecting the completion.

Equivalent of the Vim complete-items entry: word.

menu_text: string

The word to display as the suggestion to the user. If not supplied, insertion_text is displayed to the user.

Equivalent of the Vim complete-items entry: abbr.

extra_menu_info: string

Additional information to display about the suggestion within the completion menu (or equivalent). Typically this is the signature/declaration of the item being suggested, or some additional free-text qualifiers (such as [File] etc.). These are a single line and typically short. For more detailed information, such as usage and docs, see detailed_info.

Equivalent of the Vim complete-items entry: menu.

detailed_info: string

Additional information, such as the full signature and method documentation, suitable for display in a preview window or tooltip.

Equivalent of the Vim complete-items entry: info.

kind: string

An indicator of the type of suggestion. Only the first character of kind should be displayed.

Equivalent of the Vim complete-items entry: kind.

extra_data: object

Completer-specific additional information.

doc_string: string

Additional documentation/information to be displayed alongside (after) information in detailed_info.

fixits: object[]

Any editional edits to apply when selecting this completion

resolve: number

Identifier used to resolve this completion item using /resolve_completion. If not supplied, the item is already fully resolved.

ColumnNumber: integer

1-based column byte offset within the line.

CompleterTarget: string

The completer implementation for which the command is intended. Typically, this is set to filetype_default, but may also take any of the following values:

  • filetype_default Use the semantic completer associated with the filetype of the current buffer. This is the default when a target is not supplied.
  • identifier Use the identifier completer.
  • Any filetype Use the completer associated with the supplied filetype.

CompletionResponse: object

completions: object[]

List of completion suggestions.

completion_start_column: integer

1-based byte index of the column from which the completion should be applied. This is the column in which the words suggested in completions should be placed.

errors: object[]

Any errors reported by the semantic completion engine.

DebugInfoResponse: object

name: string

The completer name.

servers: object[]

A list of servers used by the completer.

items: object[]

Additional debugging information.

DiagnosticData: object

  • location The source location where the diagnostic applies. This is typically (but not always) the start of location_extent.
  • location_extent The source range to which the diagnostic applies. This differs from the location in that it refers to the whole range. Typically this is used to underline, or otherwise render as "error" the source code which caused the diagnostic.
ranges: object[]

List of ranges to which this diagnostic applies. These ranges typically identify the source locations which should be "highlighted" as incorrect.

location: Location
location_extent: Range
text: string

The diagnostic text (e.g. error message)

kind: string , x ∈ { WARNING , ERROR , INFORMATION , HINT }

The type of diagnostic being reported. Typically semantic engines will differentiate between warnings and fatal errors. Informational and hint messages should be treated as warnings where the client does not differentiate.

fixit_available: boolean

If set to true, indicates that a quick fix action (FixIt) is available for this diagnostic. Typically this is used to indicate to the user that the FixIt subcommand is available.

DiagnosticResponse: object[]

DiagnosticsMessage: object

Diagnostics for a particular file. Note: diagnostics may be supplied for any arbitrary file. The client is responsible for displaying the diagnostics in an appropriate manner. The server supplies an empty set of diagnostics to clear the diagnostics for a particular file.

filepath: FilePath
diagnostics: object[]

Exception: object

JSON-encoded representation of a Python Exception object.


ExceptionResponse: object

The server raised an exception processing the request. This response is often returned when the server is unable to perform the requested action, not due to a bug or other error, but because it is not possible to do so. For example, it is common for an exception response to be returned when requesting "GoToDefinition" on an identifier for which the semantic, engine is unable to find such a definition.

exception: Exception
message: string

The exception message. Typically a single line and suitable for display to a user.

traceback: string

A detailed report of the ycmd call stack at the point the exception was thrown. It is typically not required to display this to a user, as ycmd will print all exceptions to its log file (standard error).

ExtraConfData: object

A dictionary passed to the Settings( **kwargs ) function of the .ycm_extra_conf.py file under the client_data key of kwargs. This optional field should be used to give users a way to customize the .ycm_extra_conf.py file with their own set of options.

FileData: object

Contents and details of a dirty buffer.

filetypes: string[]
contents: string

The entire contents of the buffer encoded as UTF-8.

FileDataMap: object

An object mapping whose keys are the absolute paths to the files and whose values are data relating unsaved buffers.

An unsaved buffer is any file that is opened in the editor and has been changed without saving the contents to disk.

The file referred to in the request filepath entry must always be included. For most requests this is the user's current buffer, but may be any buffer (e.g. in the case of closing a buffer which is not current).

When a file is closed in the editor, a BufferUnload event should be sent and the file should not be included in further FileDataMap entries until (or unless) it is opened and changed again.


FilePath: string

Absolute path to the file in the filesystem. If the file does not yet exist (for example, a new file), then the value should be an arbitrary unique string.

FixIt: object

text: string

The diagnostic text or a description of the modification to be made. This is the text displayed to the user when selecting from multiple available FixIts.

location: Location
resolve: boolean

Indicates whether the fixit requires additional processing.

kind: string

FixIt kind is meant to suggest what sort of fixit this is. Clients are free to ignore this property or use it to decide whether to automatically apply the fixit. SUpported values are those of LSP. Search for namespace CodeActionKind in the following link https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-3-15/#textDocument_codeAction

chunks: object[]

A list of ranges and replacements which must be applied to source files. NOTE: The source ranges may span arbitrary files and the sequence of chunks is not defined.

replacement_text: string

The text with which to replace the range identified by range.

range: Range

InlayHint: object

An inlay hint to be rendered in the docuemnt body but not part of the text. Includes optional padding before and after and a kind, which is one of the LSP or tsserver kinds.

kind: string , x ∈ { Type , Parameter , Enum }
position: Location
label: string

Text to display

paddingLeft: boolean
paddingRight: boolean

ItemData: object

key: string
value: string

LineNumber: integer

1-based line number.

Location: object

A contiguous range of bytes in a source buffer starting at start and finishing at end. The range is (effectively) exclusive. That is if start points to (10,1) and end points to (10,3), then the length of the range is 2 characters.

line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath

Message: object

An object containing a single asynchronous message. It is either a SimpleDisplayMessage or a DiagnosticsMessage

message: SimpleDisplayMessage

If present, this object is a SimpleDisplayMessage

diagnostics: DiagnosticsMessage

If present, this object is a DiagnosticsMessage

MessageList: object[]

A list of messages in the sequence they should be handled.

The type of message in each item is determined by the property name:

  • An object with a property message is a simple display message where the property value is the message.
  • An object with a property diagnostics contains diagnostics for a project file. The value of the property is described below.

MessagePollResponse: boolean

When true is returned, the request timed out (meaning no messages were returned in the poll period). Clients should send another receive_messages request immediately.

When false is returned, the server determined that message polling should abort for the current file type context. Clients should not re-send this request until the filetype being edited changes or the server is restarted.

Range: object

A contiguous range of bytes in a source buffer.

start: Location
end: Location

ResolveCompletionResponse: object

completion: Candidate
errors: object[]

Any errors reported by the semantic completion engine.

SemanticToken: object

A item describing the type of token covered by the supplied range.

range: Range
type: string

One of the token types supported by LSP, or custom ones provided by the semantic engine. Should be mapped to some syntax group understood by the client.

modifiers: object[]

List of token modifiers, provided by the sematnic engine


ServerData: object

name: string

The server name.

is_running: boolean

true if the server is running, false otherwise.

executable: string

The executable path used to start the server.

address: string

The address on which the server is listening. null if not applicable.

port: integer

The port on which the server is listening. null if not applicable.

pid: integer

The process identifier of the server. null if the server is not running.

logfiles: string[]

A list of logging files used by the server.


A logging file path.

extras: object[]

SimpleDisplayMessage: string

A message for display to the user. Note: the message should be displayed discreetly (such as in a status bar) and should not block the user or interrupt them.

SimpleRequest: object

line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
filepath: FilePath
file_data: FileDataMap
completer_target: CompleterTarget
working_dir: WorkingDirectory
extra_conf_data: ExtraConfData

SubcommandResponse: object

fixits: object[]

If present, this is a FixIt or Refactor response and the value of this property is a list of potential changes to buffers to apply the quick fix or refactoring operation.

An empty fixits list means that no FixIt or refactoring was available. If multiple entries are supplied, the user is prompted to select which one to apply.

message: string

If present, this is a simple display message and the value of this property is the message to display.

detailed_info: string

If present, this is a detailed information response and the value of this property is the multi-line information to display as unformatted plain text.

filepath: string

If present, this is a single GoTo response and this value contains the absolute path of the buffer containing the target location (identified in line_num and column_num).

line_num: LineNumber
column_num: ColumnNumber
file_only: boolean

If present, the line_num and column_num can be ignored.

extra_data: object

Additional data specific to the response type. For GoTo requests, this may include "kind" and "name" to specify additional data about the GoTo target when doing a symbol search, such as GoToSymbol or GoToDocumentOutline. If supplied, "kind" is a LSP symbol kind.

UnresolvedFixIt: object

resolve: boolean

Indicates whether the fixit requires additional processing.

WorkingDirectory: string

Absolute path to the filesystem working directory of the client. This is used by completer engines to determine things like the project root for the file being modified, amongst other things.

YesNo: boolean

Result of the query: true if yes, false otherwise.